Sunday, September 9, 2012

Health Disparities

Image Source: Adapted from Wilkinson, R., & Marmot, M. (2003)Social determinants of health. The solid facts. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe.

The sources of mental illness, like any other illness, are many, and like with any other illness, there are disparities. For example, schizophrenia is more common in black Americans than white Americans. American Indians have a high risk for alcohol dependency. Women are at a higher risk for being depressed than men. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among adolescents. Disparities do exist in the mental health field and there are many reasons behind those health disparities.

The diagram above demonstrates just that, that health outcomes depend on many different things. Although this diagram applies to health outcomes in general, it can also be applied specifically to mental health. There is no singular reason why health disparities in mental health exist. Employment plays a role. The kind of work someone does can also play a role. There is a reason why so many soldiers are dying by suicide, and it surely has to do with the type of work they do and the stresses they are under on a daily basis. The stress a CEO faces is different from the stress a waitress faces, and that can lead to different mental health outcomes. Genetics, how you were raised, if you have social support, if you have access to affordable treatment, the type of food you eat; all of these things can affect your mental health. 

Reducing health disparities doesn't begin with targeting the population that is the worst off. It begins with figuring out why that disparity exists and working to eliminate that aspect of society. We don't need to necessarily create all new programs to eliminate health disparities in mental health. Programs that may not seem like they have anything to do with mental health and do things such as provide access to healthy food, increase a sense of community, or offer employment opportunities will help to reduce mental health disparities, as well as other sorts of disparities. Everything is connected, and both mental and physical health are improved when the community is given access to healthy options. 

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